* Graham NOTE:
You can now set your own css stylesheet for the forum So all the !important's in my stylesheet were no longer required.
To disable the built in stylesheet for the forum
create a plain text file named
xtforum_stylesheet.css in your root directory (main file browser)
you must add at least one class to the file for the default style sheet to be disabled.

The css stylesheet for this forum is still being "tweaked" and is offered "as it is" but you are welcome to use it.

The stylesheet uses the "template variables" as used in xtgem css templates for these to work it must be named xtgem_template.css

There are over 150 colors for borders backgrounds text and css3 border shading and css3 linear gradients that can be set by using xtgems template colors editor (edit current stylesheet) and I keep adding more.

If you are already using the xtgem_template.css file for your other css this should be copied to the global_stylesheet.css file.
Or you can copy/paste this file below your current css

If you are using a current xtgem site template you can merge the color controls into this stylesheet if you do it carefully and in the correct format

The style sheet also contains some classes for other projects like my youtube rss tool (version 2 as below) and a completely "re-twigged" version of the blog function which will be published on this forum soon
the file is :

Your suggestions and updates are welcome and ones I like will be included into the stylesheet

If you screw it up it ain't my fault
14-03-05 00:34 (edited 14-08-24 14:34 by Graham ) • (2)
* saniatgamer * Graham Plz subscribe my site http://saniat7.xtgem.com
21-05-02 23:30 (edited 21-05-02 23:32 by saniatgamer ) • (0)

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