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Yahoo world news
BBC world news
Yahoo oddly enough
BBC science and enviroment news
Yahoo world news
Miami Beach mayor wants to end lease of independent theater that screened Palestine documentary
Several Sandown roads closed by police for reconstruction
Staff at hospital where Lucy Letby murdered babies being investigated for gross negligence manslaughter
RSS settings script
Scripts must be added in this order on the site
<!--parser:xtscript--> # Default feed ( title and url separate with | ) var $default_feed=Yahoo world news| # More Feeds ( title and url separate with | ) ( feed data chunks separate with , I use separate lines for clarity ) var $feeds=$default_feed,BBC world news| var $feeds=$feeds,Yahoo oddly enough| var $feeds=$feeds,BBC science and enviroment news| # Other settings var $per_page=3 var $items=0 var $time_ago=1 var $template=<a href=".link." target="_blank"><span class="title">.title.</span></a><div class="post"><div class="descr">.description.<div class="meta"><span name="pubdate">.pubDate.</span></div></div></div> get feed # Cookies if $feed call cookie::set $name=last_feed;$val=$feed;$expire=2419200;$force_current=1 else var $feed=call cookie::get $name=last_feed;$default=$default_feed endif <!--/parser:xtscript-->
RSS main script
<!--parser:xtscript--> # Outer container print <div class="xt_forum"><div id="xt_feed"> # Feed selection menu var $offset=0 var $action=<xt:url noquery="yes"/> print <div class="controls compo"> print <form class="" action="$action" method="post"> print <select class="select" name="feed"> @loop0 var $next_feed = call strpos $haystack=$feeds,;$needle=,;$offset=$offset if not $next_feed goto @end_select endif var $this_feed= call substr $val=$feeds,;$start=$offset;$length=($next_feed-$offset) var $split=call strpos $haystack=$this_feed;$needle=| var $option_title=call substr $val=$this_feed;$start=0;$length=$split if $feed==$this_feed print <option value="$this_feed" selected="selected"> else print <option value="$this_feed"> endif print $option_title</option> var $offset=($next_feed+1) goto @loop0 @end_select # Submit and close form print </select><input class="xt_button submit" type="submit" value="go"/></form></div> # Main RSS function call var $feed_split=call strpos $haystack=$feed;$needle=| var $feed_title=call substr $val=$feed;$start=0;$length=$feed_split var $feed_url= call substr $val=$feed;$start=($feed_split+1) get_or_default __xt_content_page;1 var $count=1 var $offset=2 var $template=call htmlspecialchars $val=$template var $feed=<xt:feed feed="$feed_url" number="$items" template="||$template" />|| var $feed_end=call strlen $val=$feed print <div class="breadcrumbs compo"><big>$feed_title</big></div> print <!--parser:xt_pagination--> @loop var $start_item=$offset var $end_item=call strpos $haystack=$feed;$needle=||;$offset=$offset if not $count > ($__xt_content_page*$per_page) or not $count <= ($__xt_content_page-1*$per_page) print <div class="thread"> call substr $val=$feed;$start=$start_item;$length=($end_item-$start_item-6) print </div> endif if $count==$per_page print <!--parser:xt_page_split--> var $count=0 endif var $offset=($end_item+2) if $offset < $feed_end var $count=($count+1) goto @loop endif print <!--/parser:xt_pagination--> print </div> # Close outer container print </div></div> <!--/parser:xtscript-->
RSS time ago script
<!--parser:xtscript--> if $time_ago print_raw {{ <script type="text/javascript"> // Function function timeAgo (dateString) { var rightNow = new Date(); var then = new Date(dateString); var diff = rightNow - then; var second = 1000, minute = second * 60, hour = minute * 60, day = hour * 24, week = day * 7; if (isNaN(diff) || diff < 0) {return ""; } if (diff < second * 2) {return "right now";} if (diff < minute) {return Math.floor(diff / second) + " seconds ago";} if (diff < minute * 2) {return "about 1 minute ago";} if (diff < hour) {return Math.floor(diff / minute) + " minutes ago";} if (diff < hour * 2) {return "about 1 hour ago";} if (diff < day) {return Math.floor(diff / hour) + " hours ago";} if (diff > day && diff < day * 2) {return "yesterday";} if (diff < day * 365) {return Math.floor(diff / day) + " days ago";} else {return "over a year ago";} } // Function call a=document.getElementsByName('pubdate'); for (b=0;b<a.length;b++){ c=Date.parse(a[b].innerText); a[b].innerText=timeAgo(c);} </script> }} endif <!--/parser:xtscript-->
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